(I have called her this for pretty much as long as I've known her, and I'm pretty sure I got it from the 2 year old version of Tierra Blake.)
Lori was the first person I met at Antioch Church, and talk about a good first impression. She was so sweet to me, and I really thought she was believable.
She proved that right.
Lori is the single most [genuinely] kind person I have ever known.
I've been friends with her for over 7 years and have never seen her treat anyone rudely, or be "fake nice" to anyone.
She is a true Christ follower, a Proverbs 31 wife, an incredible mom, & faithful friend.
She is the poster child for consistency.
I've always known I could count on her to be there for me.
She has prayed with me, fought for me, encouraged me, and been my favorite lunch date partner. She has sent me cards in the mail just to tell me she believes in me. She has celebrated my birthday every year like I was a part of her family.
She has made me feel like I can conquer the world.
Lori is an eternal optimist. I love this about her, and sometimes it drives me a little crazy.
(only because I am not eternally optimistic haha).
For every problem or annoyance she can find the positives, and a solution.
And so far, she hasn't steered me wrong. :)
When Lori is in your life, she's in it for the long haul. She is a relationship builder, and a maintainer. I can't recall a time where she hasn't been a key part of my life here, or any season of my life she hasn't been involved in. She has walked with me every step since day one, and I can't imagine what my life would be like without her in it.
Lori is the perfect example of how to mentor people. In the process of raising me up to be who I am meant to be, she became one of my greatest friends. She has shaped me into the person I am today, and I couldn't be more thankful to have a friend like her.
I text her more than anyone other than my husband & sister, laugh with her until we cry, dream about the future, and obsess over Disney Channel Sitcoms (BA BAM!).
She make me feel like a priority to her, and loves me almost as much as I love her. (Just don't think she could actually love me quite as much as I her)
Heroes stick with you & catch you every time you're falling. They don't have to be everywhere at once, they just have to be fully engaged wherever they are.
I love you, LoLo.
Just this past weekend, Shaun & Lori became the Young Adults directors at Antioch Church. And as much as the timing of this makes me sad, I couldn't be happier.
And I can't think of ANYONE better for the "job".
I encourage you if you are a young adult in the KC area, and especially if you are at Antioch Church; get involved with The Rising. These people will literally "love the junk" out of you.